Unified Development Ordinance

Sec. 1.5.9. Transparency

Sec. 1.5.9. Transparency aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 08:56
  1. Intent
    The transparency requirements are intended to lend visual interest to streetfacing building facades for both pedestrians and building occupants and minimize blank wall areas. This is not applicable to residential uses.
  2. General Requirement
    1. The minimum percentage of windows and doors that must cover a ground story facade is measured between 0 and 12 feet above the surface of the finished ground floor for all above-grade portions of the facade. A minimum of 50% of the required transparency must be located between 3 and 8 feet from the surface of the finished ground floor.
    2. The minimum percentage of windows and doors that must cover an upper story facade is measured from top of the finished floor to the top of the finished floor above. When there is no floor above, upper story transparency is measured from the top of the finished floor to the top of the wall plate.
    3. In a mixed use building, or general building where an Urban Frontage is applied, a minimum of 60% of the street-facing, street-level window pane surface area must allow views into the ground story use for a depth of at least 8 feet. Windows shall not be made opaque by non-operable window treatments (except curtains, blinds or shades within the conditioned space).
    4. Glass shall be considered transparent where it has a transparency higher than 80% and external reflectance of less than 15%. Glass on upper stories may have any level of transparency and external reflectance.
      Glass Transparency
  3. Design Alternate Findings

The Planning Commission or Design Review Commission performing the quasi-judicial duties of the Planning Commission (as designated by the City Council), after conducting a duly noticed quasi-judicial evidentiary hearing in accordance with Sec. 10.2.17., shall reduce the required transparency, if all of the following findings are satisfied:

  1. The approved alternate is consistent with the intent of the transparency
    requirements; and
  2. The street-facing building facade utilizes other architectural, artistic, or
    landscaped treatments to create visual interest to offset the reduction in