Unified Development Ordinance

Sec. 4.7.4. Application Requirements

Sec. 4.7.4. Application Requirements aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 10:22
  1. In addition to a rezoning application, a PD Master Plan Application must include the following required elements. More than one required element may be combined onto a single map/plan sheet so long as legibility is not adversely impacted.
    1. Vicinity Map.
    2. Existing Conditions Map.
    3. Street and Block Plan.
    4. General Layout Map delineating the boundaries of all general and overlay zoning district boundaries including Height and Frontage designations (if any) 
    5. In lieu of designating Height and Frontages on the General Layout Map, a Detailed Layout Map may be included that specifies the maximum and minimum building heights, maximum and minimum building setback lines for all structures and parking areas, and locations of nonresidential land uses.
    6. Description of modifications to general district use regulations made in accordance with Sec. 4.7.2.E.
    7. Development Plan showing the location of proposed building types.
    8. Pedestrian Circulation Plan.
    9. Parking Plan.
    10. Open Space Plan.
    11. Tree Conservation Area Plan, if the site is 2 acres in size or larger.
    12. Major Utilities Plan.
    13. Generalized Stormwater Plan.
    14. Phasing Plan, if more than one phase is contemplated.
    15. If residential lots to be created are less than 4,000 square feet in size, a Utility Service Plan shall be required.
    16. An illustrative 3-dimensional model or rendering that shows building elevations, location of streets and prominent site features. The 3-dimensional model must illustrate the potential massing and scale of the proposed development, but will not be regulatory.
    17. Common Signage Plan (see Sec. 7.3.16.H.).
    18. Residential Buffer Plan.
  2. Each application must also include the following.
    1. The specific standards intended to be modified as part of the approval process. If a standard of this UDO is not listed as being modified, then the standard is considered applicable and must be adhered to. However, subsequent requests for alternative compliance and variances may still be submitted.
    2. The proposed maximum number of dwelling units by building type for each PD subdistrict.
    3.  The proposed maximum square footage of nonresidential floor area by building type for each PD subdistrict. 
    4. For all Master Plans that include a Mixed Use District, a general description of how the PD District conforms with the Urban Design Guidelines for Mixed Use Developments in the Comprehensive Plan and the General Design Principles for PD Districts listed in Sec. 4.7.5.
    5. A general description of how the PD District conforms with the Comprehensive Plan.
    6. A description of how the PD District meets the intent of Sec. 4.1.1.F.
  3. In lieu of the establishment of a property owners' association, if a unit of government or its institutions owns all of the land in the Planned Development District, it may contract with the City of Raleigh to be fully responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of open space areas, private drives and walkways, private utility lines located outside City of Raleigh utility easements or public street rights of way, stormwater control facilities and any other shared facility not conveyed to the City which serves more than one lot in a Planned Development District.
  4. The open space shall be available to all persons within the development. This contract shall further provide that if any portion of the Planned Development District is sold to a non-governmental entity without first establishing a property owners' association, the property shall automatically and without further public hearing be rezoned to the zoning district(s) which preceded the establishment of the Planned Development District.
  5. A memorandum of this contract describing the property and the provisions of the contract shall be recorded with the local county register of deeds office. All documents required herein shall be submitted prior to the recording of any plats or issuance of any construction permit in those instances where the property is already subdivided.