Unified Development Ordinance

Sec. 7.1.3. Specialized Vehicle Parking Requirements

Sec. 7.1.3. Specialized Vehicle Parking Requirements aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 11:17

These requirements control over any other requirements in this UDO.

  1. Downtown District (DX-)
    1. No more than 2 on-site vehicle parking spaces per dwelling unit are allowed. For studio or one-bedroom units, no more than 1.5 spaces per unit are allowed.
    2. The ground story of structured parking must have active uses (such as, but not limited to, residential, commercial, office or civic space) located between the parking structure and any public sidewalk along a primary street or where the structured parking is within 30 feet of any other public sidewalk notwithstanding the existence of an intervening lot, unless the intervening lot is improved with an active use between the sidewalk and the structured parking.
    3. Ramping in the parking structure shall be internalized or otherwise screened.
    4. The ground floor facade treatment of any parking structure facade (building materials, windows and architectural detailing) shall be continued on upper stories. Upper stories of shall be designed with a maximum horizontal and vertical rhythm of 30 feet that aligns with other elements along the block face.
    5. The maximum blank wall area (see Section 1.5.10.) of any parking structure façade shall be 20’. This requirement does not apply to screening elements affixed to the façade and used tp meet the requirements of Sec. 7.2.5.F.
  2. TOD Overlay District (-TOD)
    1. No more than 2 on-site vehicle parking spaces per dwelling unit are allowed. For studio or one-bedroom units, no more than 1.5 spaces per unit are allowed.
    2. Surface vehicle parking associated with a nonresidential use may not exceed the number enumerated in Sec. 7.1.2.C.