Unified Development Ordinance

Sec. 7.1.4. Vehicle Parking Mitigation

Sec. 7.1.4. Vehicle Parking Mitigation aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 11:18
  1. Applicability
    This section applies to all projects that meet both of the following criteria:
    1. Include more than 16 residential units and/or more than 10,000 square feet of nonresidential gross floor area.
    2. Provide more than the number of vehicle parking spaces shown in Section 7.1.2.
  2. Mitigation Requirements
    Projects that meet the above criteria must mitigate the impact of the provided vehicle parking as follows:

    Projects in DX or TOD districts or in zones with an Urban Frontage, projects that provide vehicle parking beyond the maximum shall incorporate all of the following:
    1. Include any vehicle spaces beyond the maximum within a parking structure.
    2. Make at least 20 percent of vehicle spaces beyond the maximum available to the general public or shared with another property or use.
    3. Provide, for the vehicle spaces beyond the maximum, 50 percent more electric vehicle ready, capable, or similar EV-supporting spaces than would otherwise be required.

    4. Projects in all other districts that provide vehicle parking beyond the maximum shall choose one of the following two options:
  3. Parking Alternate Means of Compliance

The parking ratios of this UDO apply unless an alternate parking ratio is approved by the Transportation Director in accordance with the requirements below. An alternate will involve a showing of compatibility and a mitigation of impacts of higher levels of parking provision. This finding can be supplemented by the following information:

  1. Alternate parking ratios may be approved where an applicant submits a parking study, prepared and sealed by a registered professional engineer in the State of North Carolina. Such a study must illustrate that the maximum vehicle parking ratios of Sec. 7.1.2.C. do not accurately apply to a specific development proposal.
  2. The data submitted must include, at minimum, the size and type of the proposed development, the mix of uses, the anticipated rate of parking turnover and the anticipated peak parking and traffic loads of all uses.
  3. The data must be obtained either from relevant studies published in refereed journals or other secondary source of comparable authority; or from primary studies of no fewer than 3 comparable developments within the regional market. The regional market shall be the Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area. The data must consist of accumulation counts in the typical peak hour for the dominant land use and have been collected in the prior 24 months.