Unified Development Ordinance

Sec. 8.5.1. General Provisions

Sec. 8.5.1. General Provisions aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 13:11

This Article provides the dimensional standards for streets and streetscapes throughout the City. The City has adopted a separate Street Design Manual which provides further details.

  1. Intent
    1. The intent of these regulations is to provide a palette of street typologies and design elements that reflect the character of different areas within the City and provide the application of the street typology map contained within the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. 
    2. The street regulations provide adequate travel lanes for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians.
    3. Design Alternates approved by the Planning Commission or Design Review Commission performing the quasi-judicial duties of the Planning Commission (as designated by the City Council) shall be approved when the applicant can prove the showings in a evidentiary hearing.
  2. Design Alternates Relating to Street Cross Sections
    The Planning Commission or Design Review Commission performing the quasi judicial duties of the Planning Commission (as designated by the City Council) shall, in accordance with Sec. 10.1.8, approve a design alternate from the provisions of Article 8.5 relating to street cross sections, upon a showing of all of the findings set forth in below:
    1. The approved design alternate is consistent with the intent of Article 8.5;
    2. The approved design alternate does not increase congestion or compromise safety;
    3. The approved design alternate does not create additional maintenance responsibilities for the City;
    4. The approved design alternate has been designed and certified by a Professional Engineer, or such other design professional licensed to design, seal and certify the alternate; 
    5. The approved design alternate will not adversely impact stormwater collection and conveyance; and
    6. The design alternate is deemed reasonable due to one or more of the following:
      1. Given the existing physical environment, including but not limited to the following, compliance is not physically feasible:
        1. an existing building would impede roadway expansion; or
        2. transitioning from a different street section; or
      2. The burden of compliance is not reasonable given the size of the site or intensity of the development.