Unified Development Ordinance

Sec. 8.11.2. Requirement Thresholds

Sec. 8.11.2. Requirement Thresholds aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 13:26
  1.  Transit infrastructure, in accordance with Sec. 8.11.3., is required when all of the following conditions are present:
    1. The site has frontage along an existing public transit route operated either by a public transit agency, or the site has frontage along a planned transit route as illustrated in the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan; and
    2. The site will generate a minimum of 500 daily vehicular trips as calculated per the current edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers' Trip Generation Handbook.
    3. If site development generates a minimum of 2,500 daily vehicular trips as calculated per the current edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers' Trip General Handbook, and the site has frontage on more than one public street and is served by more than one public transit, two transit stops with infrastructure will be required.
  2. A new transit stop shall not be required if an existing transit stop is within a walking distance of 1,320 feet and located on the same side of the street with the same facilities that a new transit stop would be required to provide. This exemption shall not be allowed for Tier 2 or Tier 3 site plans that serve a hospital, senior housing, life care community or congregate care facility.