Unified Development Ordinance

Sec. 10.1.7. Planning Director and Development Services Director

Sec. 10.1.7. Planning Director and Development Services Director aaron.sheppard… Wed, 05/24/2023 - 09:23
  1. Delegation of Authority
    1. Planning Director
      1. The Planning Director serves as the administrator of this UDO unless otherwise stated.
      2. The Planning Director may designate any staff member as their designee in any function assigned by this UDO to the Department of City Planning; the Planning Director remains responsible for any action taken by their designee.
      3. The Planning Director is the administrative director of the Department of City Planning and has the authority to supervise all activities and decisions of the Department of City Planning.
    2. Development Services Director
      1. The Development Services Director may designate any staff member as their designee in any function assigned by this UDO to the Development Services Department; the Development Services Director remains responsible for any action taken by their designee.
      2. The Development Services Director is the administrative director of the Development Services Department and has the authority to supervise all activities and decisions of the Development Services Department.
  2. General Authority
    1. Planning Director
      1. Administration and coordination of the City's Planning program, including liaison information and technical assistance to citizens, community groups, commissions and supervisions of planning studies and reports;
      2. Administration of the technical maintenance of this UDO;
      3. Assembling of data, preparation of maps, maintenance of a complete information system;
      4. Assistance in implementation of plans, studies and coordination of efforts dealing with environment, open space, urban design and historic preservation;
      5. Neighborhood studies and coordination with regard to housing and neighborhood planning;
      6. Assistance to other departments; and
      7. Urban design.
    2. Development Services Director
      1. Administration of land use controls through the review of development plans and permit review;
      2. Assistance to other departments; and
      3. Receive development plans, permit review, schedule inspection and issue permits.
  3. Specific Review Authority
    1. Planning Director is responsible for review and recommendation unless otherwise noted regarding:
      1. Annexation petitions;
      2. Comprehensive Plan amendments;
      3. Text amendments;
      4. Rezonings (review only);
      5. Special Use Permits (review only);
      6. Variances (review only);
      7. Historic Landmark designations (review only),
      8. Major certificates of appropriateness (review only), and
      9. Design Alternates (review only).
    2. Development Services Director is responsible for review unless otherwise noted regarding;
      1. City Council approved subdivisions (review only);
      2. Subdivision waivers (review only);
  4. Specific Approval Authority
    Subject to any right of appeal, the Planning Director or Development Services Director is responsible for final action regarding:
    1. Planning Director
      1. Minor certificate of appropriateness;
      2. [Reserved]
    2. Development Services Director
      1. Preliminary subdivision plans except for subdivision approvals, other than single unit living in the Metro-Park Overlay, subdivision approvals in any Historic District Overlay District or for a designated Historic Landmark or when a subdivision waiver is requested;
      2. Final subdivision plats;
      3. Zoning permit;
      4. Site plans; and
      5. Temporary use permits.