Unified Development Ordinance

Sec. 10.4.1. Violations and Violators

Sec. 10.4.1. Violations and Violators aaron.sheppard… Wed, 05/24/2023 - 09:42
  1. Each of the following are declared to be violations of the Raleigh City Code:
    1. Any person owning, leasing, using, managing or occupying any building, sign, structure or land where there is placed, removed, altered, expanded or there now exists any thing contrary to Chapter 1. Introductory Provisions through Chapter 7. General Development Standards and Chapter 11. Building and Housing Code; any regulation, rule or order adopted pursuant to the applicable chapter; any certificate of appropriateness, conditional use, special use permit or variance issued pursuant to this UDO; or a lawful plan approved under this UDO.
    2. Any architect, designer, engineer, agent or any other person who acts in concert, participates, directs or assists in the creation or continuation of a violation of Chapter 1. Introductory Provisions through Chapter 7. General Development Standards and Chapter 11. Building and Housing Code; any regulation, rule or order adopted pursuant to this UDO; any certificate or appropriateness, conditional use, special use permit or variance issued pursuant to this UDO; or a lawful plan approved under this UDO.
    3. Any builder, contractor or any other person who shall erect, expand, relocate, reconstruct, alter or use any land, structure, sign, tree or building contrary to Chapter 1. Introductory Provisions through Chapter 7. General Development Standards and Chapter 11. Building and Housing Code; any regulation, rule or order adopted pursuant to this UDO; any certificate of appropriateness, conditional use, special use permit or variance issued pursuant to this UDO; or a lawful plan approved under this UDO.
    4. Any person, who shall fail, neglect or refuse to do any act as required by Chapter 1. Introductory Provisions through Chapter 7. General Development Standards and Chapter 11. Building and Housing Code; any regulation, rule or order adopted pursuant to this UDO; any certificate of appropriateness, conditional use, special use permit or variance issued pursuant to this UDO; or a lawful plan approved under this UDO.
  2. The term “lawful plan” as used here shall mean a site plan, Master Plan, Neighborhood Plan, Streetscape Plan, or Custom Signage Plan. 
  3. The terms contrary to or violation of a lawful plan include the establishment, creation, expansion, alteration, relocation, occupancy or continuation of any use, building or structure for which a plan is required except in accordance with the terms, conditions and provisions of the approved lawful plan.
  4. The enumeration of these declared violations shall not be deemed exclusive or all-inclusive. All persons who shall commit violations shall be held responsible and shall be subject to the penalties and remedies provided in Sec. 1.1.10. and Sec. 10.4.2. Each day’s continuing violation shall be a separate and distinct violation or offense.
Supplement Number