Unified Development Ordinance


d aaron.sheppard… Wed, 05/24/2023 - 11:08

Decorative Fence
An open or solid fence or wall that matches or complements the adjacent primary structure on the site. This shall not include a fence that is required to satisfy any provision of this UDO, any retaining wall, any security fence such as chainlink and shall not be available for purchase in stores.

Department of City Planning
The agency designated and established by City Council to plan, direct and coordinate the operation and application of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).

A site planner or subdivider.

Any site plan or subdivision.

Development (in a Special Flood Hazard Area)
Development in a special flood hazard area is any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including, but not limited to, buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations, or storage of equipment or materials.

Development‐related Improvements
Includes streetscape, sidewalk, street, storm drainage, bicycle infrastructure, greenways, transit facilities, utilities, pavement, curb and gutter, turning lanes, acceleration lanes and deceleration lanes.

Development Services Department
The agency designated and established by City Council which provides a onestop resource for all development reviews, inspections, and permits from initial application through certificate of occupancy.

Development Services Director The chief administrator as designated by the City Manager to plan, direct and coordinate the operations of the department, the UDO, and the North Caroline State Building Code.

Diameter at Breast Height (DBH)
The diameter of the trunk of a single-trunk tree measured at 4½ feet (breast height) above grade level or the total diameter of all stems of a multi-trunk tree measured at 4½ feet above grade. 

Discharge Point
That point at which runoff leaves a tract of land.

Display Area
An outdoor open air area where merchandise is stored throughout the day and night and this same stored merchandise is sold or leased, not including the display area for any motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer (see vehicular display area).

Drainage Basin Study Maps
Flood hazard boundary maps adopted by the City. Special flood hazard areas and the base flood elevations shown on drainage basin study maps are based on future conditions hydrology.

Dwelling Unit
A building or portion of a building providing complete and permanent living facilities, including cooking and bathing facilities.