Unified Development Ordinance


m aaron.sheppard… Wed, 05/24/2023 - 11:11

Manufactured Home
A structure, as defined in N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143-145(7), transportable in one or more sections that is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling, with or without permanent foundation.

Manufactured Home Park
A lot which contains or is intended to contain manufactured home spaces for lease or unit ownership (condominium) pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. Chapter 47C.

Manufactured Home Space
A plot of land within a manufactured home park designed for the accommodation of a single manufactured home.

Manufactured Home Stands or Pads
That portion of the manufactured home space designed for occupancy by a manufactured home. 

Major Access Corridor
A street or highway designed to move large volumes of through traffic from 1 area to another and usually built and maintained with Federal assistance. These corridors usually have separated grades and a minimum of traffic signals. The following are major access corridors: I-40, I-440, 64 By-pass, U.S. 1, U.S. 70, U.S. 64 and U.S. 401, Wade Avenue between I-440 and I-40 and Northern Wake Expressway.

Maintained Footcandles
Illuminance of lighting fixtures adjusted for a maintenance factor accounting for dirt build-up and lamp output depreciation. The maintenance factor used in the design process to account for this depreciation cannot be lower than 0.72 for high-pressure sodium and 0.64 for metal halide and mercury vapor.

Mean Sea Level
The average height of the sea for all stages of the tide. It is used as a reference for establishing various elevations within special flood hazard areas. The term is synonymous with National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD). Mechanical Equipment Machines and devices, including HVAC units, fans, vents, generators and elevator motors, integral to the regular operation of climate control, electrical and similar building systems.

A value or quantity lying at the midpoint of a frequency distribution of observed values or quantities. Where the median includes an even number within the set, the two values closest to the midpoint are averaged.

Medium Base
The size of lamp socket designed to accept a medium or Edison base lamp.

Metro Park
The following park: William B. Umstead State Park.

An intermediate level or levels between the finished floor and ceiling of a story.

Minor Tree Removal Activity
The lawful removal of a tree, other than a champion tree and trees protected in either Resource Management District or natural protective yard, which is unrelated to forestry general or to the installation of any driveway, use, structure, facility improvement, site plan or subdivision, is a minor tree removal activity when it meets one or more of the following:

  1. Unsafe trees are removed within 1 year following a natural disaster declared by the State of North Carolina or City of Raleigh such an ice storm, hurricane or tornado.
  2. Fewer than 16 trees with a DBH of 3 inches or more are lawfully removed from the property within any continuous twelve month period, provided that the subsequent subdivision of the property shall not increase the number of trees which can be removed from the property and that no tree 10 inches or greater in DBH is removed if such tree is located:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
    1. Within 50 feet of a right-of-way of any thoroughfare; or
    2. Within 32 feet of any vacant adjoining property boundary line; or
    3. Within 65 feet of any other property line or urban forestry.

3. The term “vacant” means that at the time of application for development there is no building or structure or vehicular surface area within 200 feet from the common property line of the property being developed and the adjoining or adjacent property.

4. An arborist, certified by the International Society of Arboriculture or a forester registered by the State of North Carolina or a landscape architect licensed by the State of North Carolina first certifies in writing to the City that the tree is either unsafe or is unhealthy and applicable soil erosion and sedimentation laws are obeyed.

5. The tree is less than 3 inches DBH.

6. The tree is damaging an existing improvement on the lot.

7. The lawful removal of trees located on lots of record existing prior to the application of this regulation that are less than 2 acres in size.

8. The tree to be removed is for a City of Raleigh project to install or maintain public infrastructure and is unrelated to any site plan, subdivision or building permit.

Mixed Use District
The following general use or conditional zoning districts: Residential Mixed Use (RX)-, Office Park (OP-), Office Mixed Use (OX-), Neighborhood Mixed Use (NX-), Commercial Mixed (CX-), Downtown Mixed Use (DX-) and Industrial Mixed Use (IX-) 

Modified Natural Stream
An on-site channelization or relocation of a stream channel and subsequent relocation of the intermittent or perennial flow as evidenced by topographic alterations in the immediate watershed. A modified natural stream must have the typical biological, hydrological and physical characteristics commonly associated with the continuous conveyance of water.

Monastery, Convent
​​​​​​​A place of residence for bona fide members of a religious order where members are housed in one or more buildings and carry on religious, medical, educational or charitable work in the community.