Unified Development Ordinance

Article 8.11. Transit Infrastructure

Article 8.11. Transit Infrastructure aaron.sheppard… Mon, 05/08/2023 - 10:33

Sec. 8.11.1. General Provisions

Sec. 8.11.1. General Provisions aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 13:26
  1. Intent
    In order to maintain and improve access to the local and regional transit systems, development subject to site plan review per Sec. 10.2.8. and located along existing or planned transit routes is required to provide for new transit amenity infrastructure. The required improvements may include a transit easement, shelter, bench or other amenities as described in Sec. 8.11.3.
  2. Applicability
    1. Where a Tier 2 or Tier 3 plan is proposed on lots with frontage on an existing near-term planned or long-term planned transit route the requirements of this Article shall apply.
    2. The type, quantity and location of transit infrastructure to be provided are based upon trip generation rate of the proposed development. When a suitable location for the transit stop cannot be provided on-site due to
      physical constraints, a fee in lieu of construction shall be paid to the City for the design and construction of a comparable stop location nearby. Physical constraints are defined as:
      1. Steep slopes in excess of 15%;
      2. Potential intersection or driveway sight distance conflicts; or,
      3. The proposed location poses an unsafe condition for the transit system, motor vehicles, or pedestrians.
  3. Land Use and Daily Trips
    Accepted trip generation standards will be analyzed to determine whether or not dedication or installation of a transit stop and associated infrastructure shall be required. These standards are a function of land use, size of building or use and total daily site trips. This determination will be made pursuant to Sec. 8.11.3.
  4. Operational Considerations
    A transit stop will be constructed on-site when it facilitates the efficient and safe operation of the transit service and allows for safe vehicular and pedestrian

Sec. 8.11.2. Requirement Thresholds

Sec. 8.11.2. Requirement Thresholds aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 13:26
  1.  Transit infrastructure, in accordance with Sec. 8.11.3., is required when all of the following conditions are present:
    1. The site has frontage along an existing public transit route operated either by a public transit agency, or the site has frontage along a planned transit route as illustrated in the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan; and
    2. The site will generate a minimum of 500 daily vehicular trips as calculated per the current edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers' Trip Generation Handbook.
    3. If site development generates a minimum of 2,500 daily vehicular trips as calculated per the current edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers' Trip General Handbook, and the site has frontage on more than one public street and is served by more than one public transit, two transit stops with infrastructure will be required.
  2. A new transit stop shall not be required if an existing transit stop is within a walking distance of 1,320 feet and located on the same side of the street with the same facilities that a new transit stop would be required to provide. This exemption shall not be allowed for Tier 2 or Tier 3 site plans that serve a hospital, senior housing, life care community or congregate care facility.

Sec. 8.11.3. Determining the Required Transit Infrastructure

Sec. 8.11.3. Determining the Required Transit Infrastructure aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 13:27

When the provisions of Sec. 8.11.1.B. are met, the following transit infrastructure will be required. The infrastructure elements shall meet the typical specifications as shown in the Raleigh Street Design Manual.

  1. Transit Easement
    When the transit stop is located outside of the right-of-way, a permanent 15' x 20' transit easement dedicated to the City of Raleigh shall be required on the development site.
  2. Landing Pad
    A concrete pad is required in all cases between the public sidewalk and the back of curb. The minimum width of the landing pad requirement for a transit stop (the area from which passengers board the bus and onto which passengers alight from the bus) is 30 feet. Landing pads shall fill the entire depth between the back of the curb and the public sidewalk. In cases where the depth of this area exceeds 10 feet, or in cases where curb does not exist, special accommodations may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Where placement of the landing pad conflicts with an existing or proposed street tree, the installation of a landing pad shall take precedence.
  3. Transit Stop Pad
    A concrete pad measuring 15' x 20' behind the public sidewalk, upon which all transit infrastructure is permanently installed.
  4. Sidewalk Connectivity
    Sidewalks should be constructed to connect the transit stop to the nearest existing sidewalk or public street intersection.
  5. Trash Receptacle
    Trash receptacles shall be provided at the transit stop in all cases.
  6. Seating
    Seating shall be provided in all cases where a transit stop is required.
  7. Transit Shelter
    A transit shelter shall be provided at the required transit stop. 

    Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Transportation Director may approve an equivalent alternate design.

Sec. 8.11.4. Determining the Location of the Required Transit Stop

Sec. 8.11.4. Determining the Location of the Required Transit Stop aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 13:27
  1. The Transportation Director shall make a final determination of stop location suitability in accordance with this section and in consideration of the following:
    1. A suitable transit stop shall allow for safe connectivity with the pedestrian network including access to sidewalks, the presence of crosswalks within 1,320 feet from the stop, and suitable visibility.
    2. A suitable transit stop shall be designed to accommodate efficient bus operations including bus stop spacing, curb clearance, placement in relation to the roadway, abutting property owner/tenant parking restrictions and regulations at and near the stop, vehicle turning radii, roadway lane width and surfaces, intersection design topography and other physical constraints as specified in Sec. 8.11.1.B.2.
  2. When required, a transit stop and required infrastructure shall be provided and installed on the development site by the developer in all cases except for the following:
    1. When the site is located in a DX use district, or
    2. The site is zoned with an Urban Limited, Urban General or Shopfront frontage. 

In these instances, the transit stop and infrastructure shall still be required, but may be installed within the public right-of-way. If a suitable location cannot be identified by the Transportation Director in accordance with the Raleigh Street Design Manual either on the development site or in the adjacent right-of-way, a fee in lieu of construction of the subject transit amenities shall be required in accordance with Sec. 8.11.5.

Sec. 8.11.5. Fees In Lieu of Construction

Sec. 8.11.5. Fees In Lieu of Construction aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 13:28
  1. Where the Transportation Director determines that construction of a transit stop and infrastructure would not be feasible, a fee in lieu of construction may be permitted in accordance with Sec. 8.1.10.
  2. If the development site is within 1,320 feet of an existing and accessible bus stop on the same side of the street, the Transportation Director shall determine if the developer shall pay a fee in lieu towards the upgrading of the existing stop, or
    if the existing stop shall be relocated onto or adjacent to the development site. This determination shall be made based on which site has the best balance of the following criteria:
    1. Pedestrian and vehicular safety.
    2. Operational safety and efficiency.
    3. Proximity to the transit trip generators.