Unified Development Ordinance

Article 11.3. Examining Boards & Licensing

Article 11.3. Examining Boards & Licensing aaron.sheppard… Mon, 05/08/2023 - 10:41

Sec. 11.3.1. Registration of Contractors

Sec. 11.3.1. Registration of Contractors aaron.sheppard… Wed, 05/24/2023 - 09:59

The registration of contractors shall conform to the provisions of the North Carolina Administration and Enforcement Requirement Code, North Carolina General Statutes, and City privilege license regulations.

Sec. 11.3.2. Electrical

Sec. 11.3.2. Electrical aaron.sheppard… Wed, 05/24/2023 - 09:59
  1. Board Established; Personnel
    There is hereby established an electrical examining board (hereinafter referred to as the board) to consist of a North Carolina registered professional engineer specializing in electrical work, 2 electrical contractors, 1 journeyman electrician, and 1 representative of the public electrical utility, all of whom must reside within the territorial jurisdiction of this UDO. The Development Services Director shall serve as ex officio secretary to the board. The members of the board shall be appointed for 2-year terms by the City Council as provided in §1-4002 of the City Code. The board shall elect from its membership a Chairman and Vice-Chairman. The members shall serve without compensation.
  2. Purpose of the Board
    1. It shall be the duty of the board to examine applicants for certificates as to their knowledge of the rules and regulations for the installation and operation of electrical wiring, devices, appliances and equipment as set forth in the statutes of the State of North Carolina, the ordinances of the City, and the North Carolina Electrical Code; and to determine the general qualifications and fitness of each applicant for performing the class of work covered by a journeyman's certificate.
    2. The board shall perform other duties relating to electrical wiring, contracting, electrical installations, or advise on any electrical questions referred to them by the Council.
  3. Meetings of the Board
    The board shall meet at such intervals as may be necessary for the proper performance of its duties, but in no case less than twice each year. All meetings shall be called by the Chairman.
  4. Standards and Procedures for Certifying Electricians
    The board shall establish standards and procedures for the qualifications, examinations and licensing of journeyman electricians, and shall issue an appropriate license with no expiration date to each person who meets the qualifications thereof and successfully passes the examination given by the board.
  5. Examinations
    Examinations for journeyman certificates shall be by written form and a complete record of each shall be maintained by the secretary for a period of 2 years. Examinations are to be held the last Tuesday in each of the following months: March, June, September and December. A grade of 75 percent is required for passage of the examination.
  6. Reexamination
    Any applicant failing an examination may, upon payment of the regular examination fee, be reexamined after 90 days or more shall have elapsed. After 3 successive failures, an applicant shall not be reexamined for a period of 12 months following.
  7. Examination Fee
    Any person desiring to be licensed as a journeyman electrician shall make written application to the board and include a fee in the amount of $35.00. Such fees shall be made payable to the City of Raleigh and are not refundable. All fees shall be collected by the secretary and promptly remitted to the Revenue Collector. The secretary shall be approved by the Revenue Collector to collect the fees for the examinations.
  8. Temporary Journeyman Working Card
    Between the regular periods of required examinations given by the board, any journeyman electrician, if the board secretary deems it an emergency or hardship, who first presents himself to the secretary and indicates he is employed by an electrical contractor licensed by the City, may have a temporary journeyman electrician working permit issued to him for that period before the next regular examination and upon payment of a fee of $10.00, provided he can satisfy the secretary that he is duly qualified to perform such work. Temporary journeyman electrician working permits so issued may be canceled and recalled by the secretary if the holder thereof fails to conduct his work consistent with the applicable laws and codes. The recall of the temporary permit shall not exclude the holder from taking an examination at the regular period as required by this UDO.
  9. Revocation of Certificate
    Any certificate issued by the board may, after a hearing, be suspended or revoked if the person holding such certificate repeatedly violates any provision of this chapter relating to the installation, maintenance, alteration or repair of electrical wiring devices and equipment.
  10. Certificate Required to Perform Electrical Work
    No person shall install, alter, repair or extend any electrical system or part thereof or connect any current-consuming device, appliance or equipment (except lamps, fuse renewals and other appliances connected by means of attachment plugging devices, maintenance on small motors and on controls for heating/air conditioning equipment), on any electrical wiring used for light, heat or power within or without any building or structure whether employed by a licensed contractor or not until he shall have first passed an examination to be conducted by the City of Raleigh electrical examining board or by the electrical examining or advisory board of any City or County which is a member of the North Carolina Committee for Journeyman Electricians and until he shall have secured a certificate of competency as a certified electrician from any such examining or advisory board; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as to require the Chief electrical inspector to permit any person who may have a journeyman electrician certificate of competency issued by the advisory or examining board of any City, town or County who is a member of the North Carolina Committee for Journeyman Electricians to start or remain on any job as the qualified electrician when, in the opinion of the Chief electrical inspector, by past experience said person is not qualified under local standards to do the necessary work or when by past experience it is the opinion of the Chief electrical inspector that the person will not cooperate with the Development Services Department by not calling for inspections at the proper time, or by making or supervising installations not in conformity with applicable state and local codes.