Unified Development Ordinance

Sec. 1.3.4. Legacy Districts

Sec. 1.3.4. Legacy Districts aaron.sheppard… Mon, 05/22/2023 - 10:29

The following districts are referred to as legacy districts. These districts exist in the Part 10 Zoning Code, and will eventually be replaced with a UDO zoning district. No new legacy district may be added to the Official Zoning Map, nor may any boundary of an existing legacy district be modified. These legacy districts may exist as a general use district or as a conditional district.

R-15 Residential-15
R-20 Residential-20
R-30 Residential-30
SpR-30 Special Residential-30
RB Residential Business
O&I-1 Office and Instituion-1
O&I-2 Office and Instituion-2
O&I-3 Office and Instituion-3
BC Buffer Commercial
SC Shopping Center
NB Neighborhood Business
BUS Business
TD Thoroughfare District
I-1 Industrial-1
I-2 Industrial-2
DOD Downtown Overlay District
PBOD Pedestrian Business Overlay District
PDD Planned Development District
SHOD-3 Special Highway Overlay District-3
SHOD-4 Special Highway Overlay District-4