Unified Development Ordinance

Sec. 3.7.1. Frequent Transit Development Option

Sec. 3.7.1. Frequent Transit Development Option aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 10:09
    RX-, OX-, NX-, CX-, IX-
A. Building Types
A1 Applicable Building Types Detached House, Attached House, Townhouse, Apartment, Mixed Use Building, and General Building types
B. Lot Dimensions
B1 Area (min) 2,000 sf
B2 Lot width (min) 45’
B3 Depth (min) 60’
B4 Density (max) n/a
B5 Outdoor Amenity Area (min) (Does not apply to Tiny House, Detached House, or Attached House) 10%
    RX-, OX-, NX-, CX-, IX-
C. Principal Building Setbacks
C1 From primary street (min) 10’
C2 From side street (min) 10’
C3 From side lot line (min) 1 0’ or 5’
C4 From rear lot line (min) 2 15’
C5 From Alley (min) * 4’ or 20’
D. Height
D1 Detached/Attached Principal Building (max) 40'/3 stories
D2 Townhouse/Apartment Principal Building (max) Set by District
D3 Tiny House (max) 26’/2 stories
D4 Accessory Structure (max) 26’
D5 Height Bonus for properties zoned for 3-stories4 The Apartment and Mixed-Use building types containing residential uses may be a maximum of five stories not to exceed 80’ in height. For developments containing residential uses, a number of units equal to at least twenty percent (20%) of the residential units established in newly allowed stories as the result of this height bonus shall be affordable for households earning sixty percent (60%) of the Area Median Income or less for a period of no less than 30 years from the date of issuance of a certificate of occupancy. The General Building type may be a maximum of four stories not to exceed 68’ in height. The height bonus shall not apply to areas zoned –TOD or in a BRT Area as mapped in the Comprehensive Plan. When a property is also zoned with the - Detached frontage, the height bonus shall control.
D6 Frontage and Drive-Thrus Any building that uses the Height Bonus in D5 above must also adhere to the Urban Limited frontage unless otherwise mapped with the Urban General, Shopfront, Green or Green Plus frontage which then controls. Drive-thrus are not permitted on a site when the D5 height bonus is used. A 5 story building utilizing the height bonus herein shall also conform to the requirements for urban plazas set forth in Section 1.5.3.C.
E. Parking Setbacks3
E1 From Primary Street (min) 10’
E2 From Side Street (min) 10’
E3 From Side Lot Line (min) 0’
E4 From Rear Lot Line (min) 3’
E5 From Alley (min)5 4’ or 20’ min
F. Floor Heights
  As prescribed by the Building Type in Chapter 3
G. Transparency
  As prescribed by the Building Type in Chapter 3
F. Additional Requirements
F1 ADU Regulations There shall be no more than one ADU on the same lot as a principal building unless it is located in a Frequent Transit Area as shown on the City’s Comprehensive Plan which would then allow for up to two ADUs on the same lot as a principal dwelling, including attached or internal ADUs. However in a Frequent Transit Area, only one ADU can be attached to the principal building. In the case of a townhome development only one ADU is permitted per principal dwelling.
F2   This development option cannot be used in concert with Compact or Conservation Development option
F3   Lots utilizing this option shall have at least a portion of each lot within the mapped Frequent Transit Area in order to take advantage of any regulations listed herein.

See Sec. 1.5.4.D “Building Setbacks” for specific building elements requirements.
1For Townhouse buildings, C3 shall only apply to the side site boundary.
2For Townhouse buildings, C4 shall only apply to the rear site boundary. A permanently recorded open lot or common area lot of at least 20 feet in width may be used to satisfy Sec. 2.5.1.C.4.
3Parking setbacks shall not apply to driveways serving individual dwelling units or shared between two dwelling units.
4The rent and income limits will follow the Affordable Housing Standards determined annually by the City of Raleigh Housing & Neighborhoods Department. An Affordable Housing Deed Restriction in a form approved by the City shall be filed and recorded in the property’s chain of title by the property owner in the Wake County Register of Deeds prior to the project receiving a certificate of occupancy. The property owner of development approved under this section shall provide an annual report to the City to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this section. The report shall utilize a form prescribed by the City and shall be submitted in accordance with a schedule set by the City. Affordable units used to meet the requirements of this section shall be constructed concurrently with the project’s market rate units.
5Garages (or a portion thereof) must either be located 4 feet from the travel lane of an alley or rear access drive or be a minimum of 20 feet from the alley or rear access drive. Where parking spaces are located between the garage and the alley or rear access drive, the garage must be located at least 20 feet from the travel lane of an alley or rear access drive.

Supplement Number