- The Frequent Transit Development Option allows for additional housing and employment space in locations near current and planned frequent transit service. A Frequent Transit Area refers to areas slated for bus or other transit service where the time between buses will be 15 minutes or less during peak service periods and must be mapped in the City’s Comprehensive plan as such.
- The option allows for an additional two stories of height, up to a maximum of five stories, for apartment and mixed use building types. It allows only one additional story of height, up to a maximum of four stories, for general buildings. This additional height applies in Frequent Transit Areas, but not BRT Areas.
- The option also includes requirements to improve walkability. Any building that incorporates the additional height must adhere to the Urban Limited frontage unless otherwise mapped with the Urban General, Shopfront, Green or Green Plus frontage which then controls. Any building that incorporates the height bonus may not incorporate a drive-thru.
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