Unified Development Ordinance

Sec. 7.1.7. Vehicle Parking Lot Landscaping

Sec. 7.1.7. Vehicle Parking Lot Landscaping aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 11:19
  1. Intent
    1. The intent of the vehicle parking lot landscaping requirements is to minimize the visual impacts of large areas of vehicular parking as viewed by the public right-of-way, minimize the impacts of stormwater runoff, and dissipate the effects of the urban heat island.
    2. A well designed parking lot utilizes landscaped islands and clear delineations to break the parking lot into smaller segments.
    3. Tree and shrub plantings should not interfere with the pedestrian circulation on the site.
  2. Applicability
    1. This section applies to all on-site surface parking areas with more than 10 spaces. For purposes of this section, multiple platted lots contained on a single site plan and any separate parking areas connected with drive aisles are considered a single parking area.
    2. At least 1 shade tree must be planted in each surface parking area with 10 spaces or less.
    3. In an Urban Frontage or -TOD, this section applies only to on-site surface parking areas with more than 40 parking spaces. At least 1 tree must be planted for every 10 spaces in each surface parking area with 40 spaces or less.
    4. All surface parking areas of any size within any district with frontage on any portion of a street right-of-of way (not including an alley) must be screened along the street edge by a Type C3 street protective yard under Sec. 7.2.4.B.
  3. Perimeter Islands
    1. A landscape perimeter island shall be provided along primary internal access drives.
    2. A landscaped perimeter island must be a minimum of 5 feet wide, landscaped with shrubs installed at a rate of 30 shrubs per 100 linear feet that under typical conditions can be expected to reach a height and spread of 3 feet within three years of planting. All shrubs shall be a minimum of 18 inches tall when planted. In lieu of planting a hedge, a wall at least three feet in height may be installed. GSI practices may be located in perimeter islands if part of an approved stormwater management plan for the site. The shrub requirements may be met within GSI practices.
    3. A perimeter island may also serve as the location for a sidewalk connecting the use and the street. In such case, the sidewalk shall be a minimum of 6 feet wide and the remaining planting area shall be no less than five feet wide.
  4. Interior Islands
    1. A landscaped interior island must be provided every 10 parking spaces. Interior islands must be distributed evenly throughout the parking area.
    2. An interior island must be a minimum of 8 feet in width and be a minimum of 300 square feet in area.
    3. All rows of parking must terminate with a landscaped interior terminal island. No more than 30 parking spaces may be located between terminal islands.
    4. Interior islands may be consolidated or intervals may be expanded in order to preserve existing trees.
    5. GSI practices may be located in interior islands and terminal islands if part of an approved stormwater management plan for the site. Required shade trees may be placed within GSI practices. A maintenance plan must be approved for the GSI practices according to Sec. 9.2.2.D.
  5. Median Islands
    1. A landscape median island must be provided between every 6 single parking rows.
    2. A landscape median island must be a minimum of 6 feet wide.
    3. A median island may also serve as the location for a sidewalk connecting the parking and the use served by the parking area. The sidewalk must be a minimum of 5 feet wide. If trees or shrubs are planted in the median, the median with must be expanded by at least five feet.
    4. Median islands may be consolidated or intervals may be expanded in order to preserve existing trees.
    5. GSI practices may be located in median islands if part of an approved stormwater management plan for the site. Required shade trees and required shrubs may be placed within GSI practices. A maintenance plan must be approved for the GSI practices according to Sec. 9.2.2.D.
  6. Tree Coverage
    1. Each interior island (and terminal interior island) must include at least 1 shade tree.
    2. In no case shall there be less than 1 shade tree for every 2,000 square feet of parking area, except in an Urban Frontage or -TOD, where there shall be no less than 1 shade tree for every 4,000 square feet of parking area.
  7. Parking Lot Lighting
    1. Lighting fixtures must be located at least 20 feet from a tree, measured from the pole of the lighting fixture to the trunk of the tree.
    2. Additional requirements for lighting fixtures in parking lots are listed in Article 7.4. Site Lighting
  8. Tractor Trailer Staging, Loading and Parking in IH Districts
    The parking lot landscaping provisions do not apply to areas specifically designated for tractor trailer staging and loading areas and tractor trailer parking areas provided the staging, loading or parking area is screened along the street edge by a Type C1 or C2 street protective yard as set forth in Sec. 7.2.4.B.
  9. Design Alternate Findings
    The Planning Commission or Design Review Commission performing the quasi-judicial duties of the Planning Commission (as designated by the City Council), after conducting a duly noticed quasi-judicial evidentiary hearing in accordance with Sec. 10.2.17., shall approve an design alternate, if all of the following findings are satisfied:
    1. The approved alternate is consistent with the intent of the vehicle parking lot regulations; and
    2. The approved alternate is considered equal or better to the standard.
  1. Exemptions
    In no case is a single use or single lot required to provide more than 30 bicycle parking spaces. A mixed use facility shall not be required to provide more than 50 bicycle parking spaces.
  2. Required Types of Bicycle Parking Facilities
    1. General Provisions
      Bicycle parking may be provided through various types of facilities, provided the facility meets the following:
      1. Bicycle racks are securely anchored, are easily usable with both U-locks and cable locks and support a bicycle at 2 points of contact to prevent damage to the bicycle wheels and frame.
      2. Spacing of the racks shall provide clear and maneuverable access.
      3. Where a bike can be locked on both sides without conflict, each side can be counted as a required space.
      4. Facilities may be placed on private property or within the public right-ofway. Short-term and long-term facilities must comply with the Raleigh Street Design Manual.
    2. Short-Term Bicycle Parking
      Short-term bicycle parking must be publicly accessible and convenient. Short-term bicycle parking must be located no more than 100 feet from the building entrance the bicycle rack is intended to serve.
    3. Long-Term Bicycle Parking
      Long-term bicycle parking provides employees, students, residents, commuters and others who generally stay at a site for several hours a protected and secure place to park. Required long-term bicycle parking must meet the following standards.
      1. Long-term bicycle parking must be covered and weather resistant.
      2. Long-term bicycle parking must be located no more than 300 feet from the building entrance or 660 feet from a parking structure.