Unified Development Ordinance

Sec. 7.3.13. Special Sign Types

Sec. 7.3.13. Special Sign Types aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 11:35
  1. Announcement Signs
    An announcement sign is a small on-premise ground sign permitted as use regulation for specific nonresidential uses in a Residential District as set forth in Chapter 6. Use Regulations
  2. Crown Signs
    An on-premise wall sign located on buildings a least 200 feet in height.
    1. In addition to a permitted wall sign, buildings greater than 200 feet in height may contain a crown sign.
    2. The amount of additional wall signage shall not exceed 4.70 square feet of signage per building side for each foot of building height over 200 feet tall up to a maximum of 750 square feet.
    3. Additional wall signage shall not be transferred from 1 building side to another.
    4. No crown sign shall exceed 750 square feet per sign.
    5. Only 1 crown sign shall be located on any 1 side of a building.
    6. The sign must be located at the top crown of the building and it shall not extend below the top of the upper floor of the building.
    7. The same copy must appear on all additional crown signs.
    8. All sign illumination shall be internal.
    9. Changeable copy is prohibited.
    10. A crown sign shall contain no more than 1 line of copy, excluding symbols.
  3. Changeable Copy Signs
    A sign on which copy is changed manually or automatically and copy is shown on the same sign face such as reader boards with changeable letters or changeable pictorial panels but not limited to the above. Poster panels and painted boards are not changeable copy signs.
    1. For any permitted wall, projecting, ground or tract identification sign up to 50% of the sign area may be changeable copy (automatic or manual).
    2. For tract identification the total area of the changeable copy cannot exceed 8 square feet per sign. Only 1 changeable copy sign may be erected and it must be physically part of that tract identification sign.
    3. No changeable copy sign may contain more than 3 horizontal pieces of information.
    4. Except changeable copy time and temperature signs, no changeable copy sign may change more than 4 times in any 24-hour period.
  4. Directional Signs
    A sign that orients pedestrian and vehicular traffic to different areas within a development of over 100 acres.
    1. Directional signs are only allowed in developments that contain at least 100 acres.
    2. No sign permit shall be issued for a directional sign until a common signage plan has been approved as set forth in Sec. 7.3.16.H.
    3. All directional signs shall be under the maintenance responsibility of a single association or other legal entity.
    4. If any common signage plan amendment is approved, all existing signs that do not comply with the new sign criteria shall be removed within 30 days of approval of such amendment.
    5. There shall be no more than 1 directional sign for every 1,000 feet of frontage along any thoroughfare, commercial or collector street.
    6. No directional sign shall exceed 7 feet in height and 35 square feet of sign area.
    7. The sign may include the name of the overall development and the type of land use subareas that is identified in the approved Master Plan.
    8. Directional signs may be located on the same lot as a ground sign.
  5. Directory Signs
    A on-premise sign that lists the name of activities, businesses, firms or tenants of a unified project or site.
    1. The site shall contain no more than 1 directory sign.
    2. The maximum sign area shall not exceed 3 inches by 15 inches for each identified activity, business, firm or tenant on the site.
    3. The outdoor directory sign may either be a changeable copy sign or fixed professional nameplates; provided that the standards of each are met.
    4. The sign may take the form of any sign permitted in the district provided that the sign complies with the applicable sign requirements. If the directory sign is a ground sign, no other ground sign is allowed unless the directory sign is positioned so that is not visible from any right-of-way and contains no other message, announcement or decoration.
  6. Landmark Signs
    A sign that exhibits unique characteristics that enhance the streetscape or identity of a neighborhood and as such contributes to the historical or cultural character of the area or the community at large.
    1. The sign is an on-premise sign that meets at least 1 of the following criteria:
      1. It was expressly designed for the business, institution or other establishment at that location;
      2. It bears a national emblem, logo or other graphic that is no longer used by the company; or
      3. It is a remnant of an advertising program that is no longer used by the parent company.
    2. The sign complies with Sec. 7.3.16.B. and if any portion is permitted to remain on or over a public right-of-way, a City or State approved encroachment agreement is executed.
    3. The sign complies with the lighting standards of Sec. 7.3.16.G and the prohibited sign requirements of Sec. 7.3.15.
    4. The sign exists or will within 6 months of its designation as a landmark sign be restored and continuously maintained, in its full original condition except for minor changes required for structural enhancements, changes required to comply with paragraphs Sec. 7.3.13.F.1. through Sec. 7.3.13.F.3. above and Federal or State regulations. Where original materials are unavailable, substitute materials, which are as near as possible substitutes for the original material may be used.
    5. The sign was erected prior to January 1, 1973 and has existed continuously in place on the site.
    6. The application requesting landmark designation was completed and submitted within 6 months following an extension of areas in which this UDO is applicable.
    7. The sign is approved by the City Council as a landmark sign.
    8. Other signs that are of the same sign type as a landmark sign are permitted on the site so long as: the maximum area, including the area of landmark signs, of such type of signage, is not exceeded, all other applicable requirements for that type of sign are met and the maximum signage allowed for the site, as determined by Sec. 7.3.16.B., is not exceeded.
  7. Miscellaneous (Omnibus) Signs
    Each site that is not allowed a wall sign or an on-premise sign or off-premises ground sign is allowed to contain a maximum amount of signage of 60 square feet, provided that, no sign is more than 15 square feet in area and 3½ feet in height.
  8. Private Street Signs
    A sign placed on private property that identifies name of a private street.
    1. Sign Legend
      1. Name and Block
        1. The approved street name and block number must be shown on each sign face.
        2. The street name must be shown in a clear, readable style of print. Cursive letters cannot be used.
        3. Block numbers must be shown in Arabic numerals.
        4. At the point of intersection with public streets, private street signs shall immediately above the name and block contain the word "private."
      2. Abbreviations
        The street name shall not be abbreviated but standard abbreviations may be used for the prefix (north, south, east and west) and for the suffix portion of the legend.
      3. Minimum Letter Size
        Street names shall not be less than 4-inch uppercase, 3-inch lowercase. Block number or building references shall not be less than 2 inches.
    2. Visibility and Reflectivity
      1. Legend and background color selection shall effect clear contrast and visibility for both day and night identification so that the name is easily identifiable for up to 175 feet from the sign.
      2. All legends and backgrounds shall be reflectorized to ensure visibility at night.
    3. Location, Number and Placement
      1. Location
        1. At intersecting private streets, the sign shall be placed as near as possible to the intersection of a line parallel to and 6 feet from each private street.
        2. The private street name marker assembly shall not be placed on the public right-of-way and shall not be closer than 6 feet to the edge of pavement of the private street.
      2. Number
        A sign face for intersecting private street or private street and public streets, shall be required so that the respective street name and block number is displayed to the appropriate direction of travel.
      3. Vertical Position
        The bottom of the sign shall be a minimum of 6 feet above the elevation of the adjacent street.
  9. Product and Information Signs
    1. A product sign is a sign attached to outdoor vending machines, stands, gasoline pumps and display racks that direct attention to dispensed products.
    2. An information sign is an on-premise sign containing no other commercial message, copy, announcement or decoration other than instruction or direction to the public. Such signs include but are not limited to the following: identifying restrooms, public telephones, automated teller machines, for lease, for sale, walkways, entrance and exit drives, freight entrances and traffic direction.
    3. A product sign or information sign may not exceed 6 square feet in area, except in the case of an information sign for a multi-establishment campus.
    4. Individual information signs for a multi-establishment campus may be a maximum of 14 square feet in area with a maximum height of 3½ feet and a maximum width of 4 feet. One primary information sign may be located at each major entrance; provided that, no such sign shall be closer than 100 feet to the public right-of-way, and not exceed a maximum of 35 square feet in area, a maximum height of 7 feet and a maximum width of 5 feet.
    5. The total sign area for all product and information signs located on any site cannot exceed 32 square feet; provided that the total allowable sign area for information signs which are part of a multi-establishment campus may be increased in accordance with the following:
      1. 32 square feet per major entrance drive for any multi-establishment campus with three or more major entrances from a commercial street or a thoroughfare; and
      2. 10 square feet for each acre in excess of 10 acres of the multiestablishment campus.
    6. No commercial message, copy, announcement or decoration can be located on the information sign other than instruction or direction to the public.
    7. A product sign must be attached directly to either the dispensary structure or the product and cannot be located in any Residential District.
  10. Temporary Signs
    After the issuance of a temporary sign permit the following temporary signs may be erected:
    1. Unlit on-premise portable signs, 3-dimensional banners, moored blimps, gas balloons and windblown signs such as pennants, spinners, flags and streamers for special events for a total period not to exceed 30 days.
    2. Construction signs are permitted on a construction site that meet all of the following standards:
      1. The sign area shall not exceed 15 square feet in sign area in CM, AP or a Residential District and shall not exceed 32 square feet in area in all other districts.
      2. No construction sign shall be erected prior to issuance of a grading or building permit and the sign shall be removed within 15 days after issuance of a certificate of compliance.
    3.  Except for government owned signage, temporary signs shall not be permitted within the right of way.
  11. Unit Numbering Identification Sign
    1. All unit numbers shall be uniformly located on the side of the building facing the street within 18 inches of the building entrance or if not possible for architectural or building arrangement reasons prominently displayed on the building wall, easily visible from a public street.
    2. However, unit number signs for detached and attached houses and manufactured homes only may, in lieu of being located on the building wall, be located on the mail box or similar sized surfaces attached to mail boxes.
    3. Units that do not abut and gain access on a public street must locate identification signs containing the name of the court, street or way and the unit numbers on each main entrance to the building.
    4. All unit number signs shall be a minimum of 3 inches in size.
    5. Any unit number identification over 10 inches in height shall comply with all applicable sign regulations of this UDO.
  12. Vehicle Sign
    1. Vehicle signs shall not be located within 40 feet of the right-of-way of any street. Vehicle signs on trailer or box truck type vehicles shall not be located within 100 feet of the right-of-way of any street.
    2. Vehicle signs permitted as part of an approved temporary event or vehicles used in direct connection with the business other than as signage, are not subject to these provisions during the course of their normal business usage.
  13. Windblown Signs
    A banner, flag, pennant, spinner or streamer.
    1. No site shall contain more than 3 windblown signs. Each windblown device erected to a tether, pole, mast, building or any structure shall be deemed to be a separate distinct windblown sign.
    2. The total sign area of all windblown signs on a site located in a mixed or special district shall not exceed 40% of the maximum allowable signage as set forth in Sec. 7.3.16.B.
    3. The total sign area of all windblown signs on a site located in a residential district shall not exceed 35 square feet.
    4. The maximum height of a windblown sign shall not exceed 20 feet or the tallest principal building located on the site, whichever is greater.
    5. The windblown sign limitations do not apply to temporary windblown signs erected pursuant to Sec. 7.3.13.J.
  14. DX Digital Signs
    Notwithstanding the provision of Sec. 7.3.2., signs that use technologies such as LCD, LED and Projection to display content such as digital images, video, streaming media, and information. Digital signs are prohibited except for the following:
    1. Attached, as a wall sign, not exceeding 750 square feet in area, per sign, to a civic building in the DX- zoning district where the civic building contains one or more places of public assembly having a single-room seating capacity of no less than 10,000. No more than one digital sign shall be permitted on a building façade facing the same public street.
    2. As a ground sign, not exceeding 100 square feet in area erected on a supporting structure, mast, post or pole no more than 20 feet in height, on a lot containing (i) a civic building in the DX- zoning district where the civic building contains one or more places of public assembly in the DX- zoning district having a single-room seating capacity of no less than 2,100; or (ii) an outdoor sports or entertainment facility in the DX- zoning district, having a seating capacity of no less than 5,000. No more than one digital ground sign shall be permitted on a lot for each public street abutting the lot. Subject to the prior limitation, multiple signs may face the same public street. A ground sign is not attached, supported or suspended to or from any building or structure.
    3. The digital signage permitted herein is in addition to and shall not be credited against all other signage permitted in Art. 7.3.
    4. DX digital signs are not changeable copy signs and are not subject to Sec. 7.3.13.C. or any minimum copy size described in Art. 7.3.
    5. DX digital signs shall not display any strobe lighting effects. For the purposes of this section, strobe lighting effects are intense flashes of light at a frequency of greater than 1Hz (or 1 flash of bright light per second).
  15. Freestanding Channel Letter Ground Signs
    A freestanding channel letter ground sign that identifies the name of the development or an establishment within the development. The sign may be erected on a supporting structure, but not on a post, mast or pole, and neither the base or channel letters shall be attached, supported or suspended to or from any building. A sign permit is required for a freestanding channel letter ground sign. For purposes of this section, a channel letter sign shall mean a sign comprised of individual letters, numbers, logos, or other graphics that are independently mounted to a surface. Lighting for such signage may include neon tubes, fiberoptics, LED’s, and front and back lit letters.
    1. Freestanding channel letter ground signs are only allowed pursuant to an adopted Custom Signage Plan.
    2. The supporting structure, if one is utilized, shall not exceed 5 feet in height.
    3. Individual channel letters affixed to the supporting structure or to the ground shall not exceed 5 feet in height.
    4. The sign shall not exceed more than 10 feet in height.
    5. The sign shall not exceed more than 100 feet in length.
    6. There shall be no more than 1 line of copy per sign, and the sign shall not exceed 500 square feet in sign area.
    7. All ground sign braces shall be self-supporting structures permanently attached to concrete foundations in or upon the ground.
    8. There shall be no more than 2 freestanding channel letter signs allowed within the designated Custom Signage Plan area
    9. If a freestanding channel letter ground sign faces a public street, the sign shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet from the street, and shall be separated from the street by parking spaces, public or private open space or recreation space, or a 10 foot pedestrian walkway.
    10. Changeable copy is prohibited.
  16. Attached Channel Letter Signs
    An attached channel letter sign that identifies the name of the development or an establishment within the development, where such sign is mounted atop or hanging from an awning, canopy, porte cochere, or building architectural element, including but not limited to, decorative support beams. A sign permit is required for a freestanding channel letter building sign. For purposes of this section, a channel letter sign shall mean a sign comprised of individual letters, numbers, logos, or other graphics that are independently mounted to a surface. Lighting for such signage may include neon tubes, fiberoptics, LED’s, and front and back lit letters.
    1. Attached channel letter signs are only permitted pursuant to an adopted Custom Signage Plan.
    2. No portion of the sign may extend above the building’s main roof line without a parapet wall, or no portion of the sign may extend 2 feet above the building’s main roof line with a parapet wall, provided no portion of the sign extends above the parapet.
    3. The sign shall not exceed 150 square feet in sign area for any building up to five stories in height, and 300 square feet in sign area for any building 6 stories and above.
    4. Individual channel letters shall not exceed 10 feet in height.
    5. There shall be no more than 2 lines of copy per sign.
    6. The sign shall not exceed 20 feet in height.
    7. There shall be no more than 2 attached channel letter signs allowed within the designated Custom Signage Plan area.
    8. Only 1 channel letter building sign shall be located on any 1 side of a building.
    9. Changeable copy is prohibited.