Unified Development Ordinance

Sec. 10.1.5. Design Review Commission

Sec. 10.1.5. Design Review Commission aaron.sheppard… Wed, 05/24/2023 - 09:22
  1. In General
    1. Establishment
      The Design Review Commission is the appearance commission established pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 160D-304 to exercise any and all powers prescribed by North Carolina general and local law under N.C. Gen. Stat. Chapter 160D, Article 9, Part 5, including the City Charter, and to perform duties as lawfully directed by the City Council. When acting as a quasi-judicial board, the Design Review Commission preforms the quasi-judicial duties of the Planning Commission, as lawfully directed by the City Council, pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 160D-301 and §160D-705.

    2. Composition
      1. Except as provided in Sec. 10.1.5.A.2.b., the Design Review Commission shall be composed of 15 members who shall reside either within the City corporate limits or within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City; however, at least one member shall reside outside of the City corporate limits, but within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City.
      2. When the Design Review Commission is performing the quasi-judicial duties of the Planning Commission, it shall be composed of 9 regular members and 6 alternate members, as appointed by the City Council. At least one regular member shall reside outside of the City corporate limits, but within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City.
      3. Members of the Design Review Commission residing within the City corporate limits, including those designated as alternates, shall be appointed by the City Council. Members of the Design Review Commission residing outside the City corporate limits, but within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City, including those designated as alternates, shall be appointed by the Board of Commissioners of Wake County. Each member shall be appointed for a term of 2 years.
      4. Where possible, appointments to the Design Review Commission shall be made in such manner as to maintain a majority of members with special training or experience in a field of design such as architecture, landscape design, horticulture, city planning, urban design or a closely-related field.
      5. Vacancies on the Design Review Commission will be filled in the same manner and by the same governing body as the original appointment.
      6. When the Design Review Commission is performing the quasi-judicial duties of the Planning Commission, alternate members so serving have the same powers and responsibility as the regular members they are replacing.
    3. Rules of Procedure
      1. The Design Review Commission shall establish its own rules of procedure, subject to approval by the City Council.
      2. The Design Review Commission shall, no later than April 15 of each year, submit to the City Council a written report of its activities, a statement of its expenditures to date for the current fiscal year and its requested budget for the next fiscal year. All accounts and funds of the Design Review Commission shall be administered in accordance with the requirements of all applicable State and local laws.
      3. The Design Review Commission may receive contributions from private agencies, foundations, organizations, individuals and the State or Federal government or any other source in addition to any sums appropriated for its use by the City Council. It may accept and disburse these funds for any purpose within the scope of its authority as specified in this section and under all applicable State and local laws.
      4. The rules, regulations, minutes and actions of the Design Review Commission shall be maintained by City Planning.
  2. General Authority
    1. The Design Review Commission shall make a careful study of the visual aspects of the City and its planning and zoning jurisdiction and shall make plans and carry out programs that will enhance and improve the visual quality and aesthetic characteristics of such areas within the Design Review Commission's scope of the powers.
    2. The Design Review Commission may recommend to the City Council suitable arrangements for the procurement or provision of staff or technical services for the Commission and may establish an advisory council or other committee to aid it in its work.
  3. Specific Review Authority
    The Design Review Commission when performing the review duties of the Planning Commission (as designated by City Council) is responsible for review and recommendation regarding:
    1. Streetscape Plans; and
    2. Custom Signage Plans
  4. Specific Approval Authority
    The Design Review Commission when performing the quasi-judicial duties of the Planning Commission (as designated by the City Council) is responsible for final action regarding:
    1. Design Alternates