Unified Development Ordinance

Sec. 10.2.13. Temporary Use Permit

Sec. 10.2.13. Temporary Use Permit aaron.sheppard… Wed, 05/24/2023 - 09:36
  1. Applicability
    As listed in Article 6.8. Temporary Uses, temporary uses occurring on private property outside of the public right-of-way shall be allowed upon the issuance of a temporary use permit by the Development Services Director in accordance with requirements of this section.
  2. Application Requirements
    1. An application for a temporary use permit shall be submitted in accordance with Sec. 10.2.1.B.
    2. A Temporary Use Permit Application must be filled out in order to process an application for temporary use permit.
  3. Development Services Director Action
    1. The Development Services Director shall check the proposed application against the requirements of this UDO, all other applicable technical requirements of the City and the approval criteria of Sec. 10.2.13.D.
    2. In reviewing the application, the Development Services Director may consult with the heads of the departments of Public Utilities, Public Works, Transportation, Parks and Recreation, Inspections and the Fire Department.
    3. Following review, the Development Services Director shall approve, approve with conditions that bring the application into conformance with this UDO and other applicable technical requirements of the City or deny the application.
    4. If the application is disapproved, the reasons for such disapproval shall be stated in writing and provided to the applicant, specifying the provisions with which the application does not comply. A revised application may be submitted to the Development Services Director for further consideration.
    5. Within 30 days after the date of the decision, an appeal of the Development Services Director's action may be filed with the Board of Adjustment in accordance with Sec. 10.2.11.
  4. Approval Criteria
    Before a request for temporary use permit is granted, the Development Services Director must find the following:
    1. The temporary use complies with any specific standard listed in Article 6.8. Temporary Uses;
    2. No lighting or electrical service shall be provided without an electrical permit;
    3. No structure associated with the temporary use shall be erected without a building permit;
    4. All structures shall be cleared from the site within 5 days after the use is terminated;
    5. No temporary use structure shall block fire lanes or pedestrian or vehicular access;
    6. The site of the temporary use shall be cleared of all debris at the end of the use;
    7. Written permission of the property owner for the temporary use shall be provided;
    8. Adequate parking shall be provided;
    9. Evidence that adequate traffic control measures shall be provided;
    10. Evidence that adequate provisions for trash disposal and sanitary facilities shall be provided; and
    11. When appropriate, adequate provisions for crowd control shall be provided.
  5. Revocation of Temporary Use Permit
    If any conditions of a temporary use permit are violated, the temporary use permit may be revoked by the Development Services Director.