Unified Development Ordinance

Sec. 10.4.3. Administrative Fee

Sec. 10.4.3. Administrative Fee aaron.sheppard… Wed, 05/24/2023 - 09:43

Any person who shall commit a violation of Chapter 1. Introductory Provisions through Chapter 7. General Development Standards and Chapter 11. Building and Housing Code, receives official notice from the City of the violation and fails to remedy the violation within the time period specified such that a zoning violation citation is issued shall be subject to an administrative fee of $100 in addition to any other charge. The enlargement or alteration of any nonconforming structure used for a conforming use that creates an additional nonconformity or increases the degree of the existing nonconformity is allowed provided the enlargement or alteration of all or any part of such structure, does not exceed, singularly or collectively, 25% of the floor area gross of the original nonconforming structure, and the enlargement or alteration complies with all other requirements and regulations of this UDO.

  1. Showings for Granting Special Use Permit for Nonconformities
    1. Before a request for the special use permit is granted, the Board of Adjustment must show that all of the following are met:
      1. The applicable standards of this section have been met;
      2. All of the showings of Sec. 10.2.9.E. have been met; and
      3. The requested repair, reconstruction, expansion, change of use to a different nonconforming use or relocation will not be injurious to property or improvements in the affected area.
    2. In acting upon a petition for a special use permit, the Board cannot order the discontinuance or termination of the nonconformity.
    3. If a special use petition is denied, the continuation of the nonconformity and the activities allowed in Sec. 10.3.2. and Sec. 10.3.3. without a special use permit is still allowed unless otherwise prohibited by law. This policy is adopted to encourage the owners of nonconformities to apply for special use permits to improve and bring into conformance to the extent possible their property.
Supplement Number