Unified Development Ordinance

Sec. 10.2.21. Custom Signage Plan

Sec. 10.2.21. Custom Signage Plan aaron.sheppard… Tue, 08/27/2024 - 10:57
  1. Definition
    1. A Custom Signage Plan sets for specific signage regulations within a defined geographic area. The Custom Signage Plan can identify sign types, dimensions, locations, quantities, materials, technologies, and other elements/characteristics.
  2. Applicability
    1. A request for a Custom Signage Plan can only be initiated by a property owner within the intended area of application.
    2. The property or properties subject to the Custom Signage Plan must be zoned Planned Development District or Campus District or satisfy a. through c. below:
      1. Minimum of 8 acres in size; and
      2. A development constructed to accommodate at least:
        1. 3 non-residential establishments; and
        2. 100 dwelling units as part of a Household Living use or 100 rooms as part of an Overnight Lodging use.
      3. Meet at least one of the following criteria:
        1. Zoned with an Urban Frontage; or
        2. Front on an approved Streetscape Plan; or
        3. Located within a City Growth Center or Frequent Transit Area as designated in the Comprehensive Plan.
    3. A Custom Signage Plan may be submitted prior to satisfying all of the applicability criteria in subsection 2, however, in no instance shall a sign permit be issued pursuant to the Custom Signage Plan until all criteria are satisfied.
    4. Within the defined geographic area, new signage and signage that is no longer legally nonconforming under Sec. 7.3.17 must comply with the Custom Signage Plan.
  3. Modification of Standards
    1. A Custom Signage Plan allows for the modification of any of the following sign regulations:
      1. Section 7.3.2., Signs Allowed by District (excluding Off-Premise signs)
      2. Section 7.3.4., Wall Signs
      3. Section 7.3.5., Projecting Signs
      4. Section 7.3.6. Awning, Gallery, Marquee Signs
      5. Section 7.3.7., Window Signs
      6. Section 7.3.8., Low Profile Ground Signs
      7. Section 7.3.9., Medium Profile Ground Signs
      8. Section 7.3.10., High Profile Ground Signs
      9. Section 7.3.11., Tract Signs
      10. Section 7.3.12., A-Frame Signs
      11. Section 7.3.13., Special Sign Types, excluding subsections F., H., J., L., and N.
      12. Section 7.3.16.B., Maximum Signage
    2. A Common Signage Plan is not required in conjunction with a Custom Signage Plan.
    3. All other standards of this UDO shall control unless otherwise included in the Custom Signage Plan.
  4. Pre-Application Conference
    Before a member of the public may submit an application for a Custom Signage Plan, the applicant shall schedule a pre-application conference with the Planning Director to discuss the procedures, standards and regulations required for approval. This requirement may be waived at the discretion of the Planning Director.
  5. Pre-Submittal Neighborhood Meeting
    1. A pre-submittal neighborhood meeting is required for all applications for a custom signage plan except where the City is the applicant. The applicant shall provide an opportunity to meet with nearby property owners and residents. The location of the neighborhood meeting must be at, or in reasonable proximity to, the proposed Custom Signage Plan area. 
    2. The required neighborhood meeting must be conducted prior to submittal of the Custom Signage Plan. The meeting may not occur more than 6 months prior to the submittal of the application.
    3. Notice of the neighborhood meeting must be provided in accordance with Sec. 10.2.1.C.1., however the applicable radius shall be measured 100 feet from the proposed Custom Signage Plan area.
    4. A report of the meeting, made by the applicant, shall be included with the Custom Signage Plan application given to Planning and Development. The report shall include at a minimum, a list of those persons and organizations contacted about the neighborhood meeting, the date, time and location of the meeting, a roster of the persons in attendance at the meeting and a summary of issues discussed at the meeting.
  6. Application Requirements
    1. An application for a Custom Signage Plan shall be submitted in accordance with the general application requirements of Sec. 10.2.1.B.
    2. At a minimum the application shall include:
      1. Map showing the geographic extent of the Custom Signage Plan, including:
        1. Street names;
        2. Address and/or tax parcel identification numbers (PINs) for all included properties;
        3. Zoning designations for all included properties; and
        4. Location and description of existing conditions.
      2. Written description of proposed Custom Signage Plan including purpose and intent;
      3. Inventory of existing signage;
      4. Permitted Sign Types including the following elements as applicable:
        1. Dimensions;
        2. Quantities;
        3. Locational criteria;
        4. Materials;
        5. Technology; and
        6. Other elements/characteristics
      5. Maximum Signage;
      6. Prohibited Sign Types;
      7. Comparison of Custom Signage Plan to the base allowances of the UDO; and
      8. Treatment of existing and/or nonconforming signage.
    3. Signature of all property owners within the designated Custom Signage Plan area. 
  7. Additional Limitations
    1. No low, medium or high profile ground sign, or tract identification sign shall exceed 15 feet in height, or have more than 5 lines of copy per sign.
    2. No low, medium or high profile ground sign, or tract identification sign shall exceed 100 square feet in sign area.
    3. For wall signs; projecting signs; awning, gallery and marquee; crown signs; no maximum sign area, size or height may be increased more than 100% from the maximums established in Article 7.3. Signs for that sign type.
    4. Public street signs are allowed to have non-standard supports if a written agreement is submitted to and approved by the City.
  8. Intra-Development Signs
    1. An adopted Custom Signage Plan may provide for a sign to a business, commodity, attraction, profession, service or entertainment conducted, sold, offered, manufactured, existing or provided at a location other than the premises where the sign is located or to which it is affixed, so long as:
      1. The sign and the business, commodity, attraction, profession, service or entertainment so advertised are both located within the same development;
      2. The sign is within 1/8 mile or 660 feet from the business, commodity, attraction, profession, service or entertainment (determined by a straight line from the sign to the establishment); and
      3. The sign is maintained by a property owners association for which the owners of both the advertising lot and the lot upon which the sign or structure is located or affixed are members. Such signage or structures shall be designated as common property under the governing documents of the property owners association, and are designated on-premise signs for purposes of this UDO.
  9. Approval Process
    1. Planning Director Action
      1. The Planning Director shall review the Custom Signage Plan application in accordance with subsection b. below and provide a report and recommendation to the Design Review Commission.
      2. The following is a non-exhaustive list of considerations the Planning Director may consider when reviewing a Custom Signage Plan application:
        1. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan;
        2. Consistency with the stated purpose and intent of the UDO;
        3. Impact on property in the vicinity of the Custom Signage Plan area;
        4. Safety of roadway and streetscape users;
        5. Compatibility with existing development and signage in the Custom Signage Plan area;
        6. Sign types permitted or prohibited as compared to the underlying zoning district(s); 
        7. Maximum signage increase or decrease as compared to the underlying zoning district(s);
        8. Use of color, materials, and technologies;
        9. Unique character or quality of the Custom Signage Plan area justifying the request;
        10. Contribution to the unique character, history, or identity of an area through cohesive design; and
        11. The application is reasonable and in the public interest.
    2. Planning Commission Action
      1. Upon acceptance of the Custom Signage Plan application, the Planning Commission, or Design Review Commission performing the review duties of the Planning Commission (as designated by City Council) shall hold a legislative hearing on the request. Public notice of the legislative hearing shall be provided in accordance with Sec. 10.1.8. For mailed notice, the applicable radius shall be measured 100 feet from the centerline of the street for the entire length of the proposed Custom Signage Plan area.
      2. When conducting a review of a Custom Signage Plan application, the Planning Commission, or Design Review Commission performing the review duties of the Planning Commission (as designated by City Council) shall advise and comment on whether the proposed action is consistent with any comprehensive plan that has been adopted, and any other applicable adopted plan.
      3. Within 60 days after receipt of the proposed application, the Planning Commission, or Design Review Commission performing the review duties of the Planning Commission (as designated by City Council) shall provide a written report to the City Council. If no recommendation is made within this time period and if no extension is granted, the City Council may nonetheless take action on the application without further involvement of the Planning Commission, or Design Review Commission performing the review duties of the Planning Commission (as designated by City Council).
      4. The Commission's written report to the City Council shall contain its recommendation, which addresses the proposed plan’s consistency and other matters it deems appropriate.
    3. City Council Legislative Hearing and Action
      1. Following the recommendation of the Planning Commission, or Design Review Commission performing the review duties of the Planning Commission (as designated by City Council) or expiration of the applicable Commission review period without a recommendation, the City Council shall schedule a legislative hearing.
      2. A public hearing date shall be set within 60 days of receiving the Commission's written report.
      3. Notice of the hearing shall be given in accordance with Sec. 10.1.8. For mailed notice, the applicable radius shall be measured 100 feet from the centerline of the street for the entire length of the proposed Custom Signage Plan area.
      4. At the hearing, the Planning Director shall present the request, including the recommendation and comments of the Commission, if any. If the request was submitted by a member of the public, those in favor of the Custom Signage Plan will be allowed a total of 8 minutes to explain their support and those opposed shall be allowed a total of 8 minutes to explain their opposition. The Council, in its discretion, may grant an equal amount of additional time to each side.
      5. The City Council shall approve, approve as revised, deny or send the proposed Custom Signage Plan back to the Planning Commission, or Design Review Commission performing the review duties of the Planning Commission (as designated by City Council) or Planning Director for additional consideration.
      6. When adopting or rejecting any Custom Signage Plan, the City Council shall approve a brief statement describing whether its action is consistent or inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
    4. Modifications to a Submitted Custom Signage Plan Application
      The applicant may modify the regulations and/or specifications contained in the Custom Signage Plan application at any time during the review process. However, an expansion of the geographic extent of the Custom Signage Plan area shall be considered a new application requiring full compliance with this section.
  10. Modifications to an Adopted Custom Signage Plan
    Modifications to an adopted Custom Signage Plan shall be considered a new application requiring full compliance with this section.