Unified Development Ordinance

Article 6.5. Industrial Uses

Article 6.5. Industrial Uses aaron.sheppard… Mon, 05/08/2023 - 10:23

Sec. 6.5.1. Heavy Industrial

Sec. 6.5.1. Heavy Industrial aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 11:08
  1. Heavy Industrial Use Category
    Any facility that involves dangerous, noxious or offensive uses or a facility that has smoke, odor, noise, glare, fumes, gas, vibration, threat of fire or explosion, emission of particulate matter, interference with radio, television reception, radiation or any other likely cause. Heavy industrial includes the following uses.
    1. Asbestos, radioactive materials.
    2. Animal processing, packing, treating and storage, concentrate plant, processing of food and related products, production of lumber, tobacco, chemical, rubber, leather, clay, bone, paper, pulp, plastic, stone, or glass materials or products, production or fabrication of metals or metal products including enameling and galvanizing.
    3. Automobile dismantlers and recyclers.
    4. Bulk storage of flammable liquids, chemical, cosmetics, drug, soap, paints, fertilizers and abrasive products.
    5. Commercial feed lot.
    6. Concrete batching and asphalt processing and manufacture, batch plant Earth moving, heavy construction equipment, transportation equipment.
    7. Detention center, jail, prison.
    8. Explosives.
    9. Fabricated metal products and machinery.
    10. Industrial sign-making.
    11. Leather and leather products includes tanning and finishing.
    12. Lumberyard and wood products.
    13. Manufactured or modular housing sales.
    14. Outdoor storage yard for vehicles.
    15. Primary metal manufacturing.
    16. Pulp mill, rubber and plastic products, rubber manufacturing.
    17. Scrap metal processors, sawmill, secondary materials dealers.
    18. Trailer leasing, auction vehicle, broker vehicle.
    19. Tire recapping, tobacco products, transportation equipment.
  2. Detention Center, Jail, Prison
    1. Defined
      A secured facility for the incarceration of individuals either awaiting trial or convicted of a crime.
  3. Towing Yard for Vehicles
    1. Defined
      A facility for the impound and temporary storage of vehicles that is operated by someone engaged in the wrecker or towing business.
    2. Use Standards
      1. The facility must be used exclusively for vehicle storage and no parts from stored vehicles can be sold.
      2. The towing yard shall not be located on a site with frontage along a Major Street or on a site within 100 feet of a Major Street.
      3. The towing yard shall not be located on a site with frontage along a rail corridor or on a site within 1,320 feet of a rail corridor.
      4. No part of any vehicular surface area or vehicle storage yard enclosure shall be closer than 150 feet from a Residential District or residential use.

Sec. 6.5.2. Light Industrial

Sec. 6.5.2. Light Industrial aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 11:08
  1. Light Industrial Use Category
    Manufacturing, assembly, repair or servicing of industrial, business, or consumer machinery, equipment, products, or by-products mainly by providing centralized services for separate retail outlets. Contractors and building maintenance services and similar uses perform services off-site. Light industrial includes the following uses.
    1. Bottling.
    2. Brewery, winery, distillery, cidery.
    3. Bus or rail transit vehicle maintenance or storage facility.
    4. Contractors storage including janitorial and building maintenance service, exterminator, or other maintenance yard or facility, building, heating, plumbing, landscaping or electrical contractor and others who perform services off-site, but store equipment and materials or perform fabrication or similar work on-site.
    5. Food and beverage products except animal slaughter, stockyards.
    6. Lawn, tree or garden service.
    7. Laundry, dry-cleaning, and carpet cleaning plants.
    8. Leather and leather products except tanning and finishing.
    9. Sheet metal, welding, machine, tool repair shop or studio.
    10. Stone, clay, glass, and concrete products.
    11. Woodworking, including cabinet makers and furniture manufacturing.
  2. Brewery, Winery, Distillery
    1. Use Standards
      1. A Brewery, Winery, Distillery, or Cidery in the DX and CX district shall be subject to the following:
        1. The facility shall include one or more of the following accessory uses: a tasting room, tap room, restaurant or retail use incidental to the operation which is open and accessible to the public.
        2. The facility shall produce less than 15,000 US beer or cider barrels (460,000 US gallons) or 75,000 US gallons of wine or spirit per year.
      2. A Brewery, Winery, Distillery, or Cidery in the DX district shall be subject to the following:
        1. There shall be no allowance for outdoor storage of materials associated with the production of beer, wine, cider or spirits.

Sec. 6.5.3. Light Manufacturing

Sec. 6.5.3. Light Manufacturing aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 11:09
  1. Light Manufacturing Use Category
    A facility conducting light manufacturing operations within a fully-enclosed building. Light manufacturing includes the following uses. 
    1. Clothing, textile apparel manufacturing.
    2. Facilities engaged in the assembly, design, repair or testing of: analyzing or scientific measuring instruments; semiconductor and related solid state devices, including but not limited to clocks, integrated microcircuits; jewelry, medical, musical instruments, photographic or optical instruments; and timing instruments.
    3. Office showroom/warehouse.
    4. Printing, publishing, and lithography.
    5. Production of artwork and toys, graphic design sign-making, movie production facility, photo-finishing laboratory.
    6. Repair of scientific or professional instruments and electric motors.

Sec. 6.5.4. Research & Development

Sec. 6.5.4. Research & Development aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 11:09
  1. Research & Development Use Category
    A facility focused primarily on the research and development of new products. Research and development includes the following uses.
    1. Laboratories, offices and other facilities used for research and development by or for any individual, organization or concern, whether public or private.
    2. Prototype production facilities that manufacture a limited amount of a product in order to fully investigate the merits of such a product.
    3. Pilot plants used to test manufacturing processes planned for use in production elsewhere.

Sec. 6.5.5. Self-Service Storage

Sec. 6.5.5. Self-Service Storage aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 11:10
  1. Self-Service Storage Use Category
    Facilities providing separate storage areas for personal or business use designed to allow private access by the tenant for storing or removing personal property. Self-service storage includes the following uses.
    1. Warehouse, self-service.
    2. Fully enclosed indoor multi-story storage.
    3. Mini-warehouse.
  2. Use Standards
    1. A self-storage facility in an CX- District is subject to the following.
      1. The minimum size of the site is at least 2 acres.
      2. All storage shall be contained within a fully-enclosed building. However, the storage of boats, RV’s or other similar vehicles may be permitted in accordance with Article 7.5. Outdoor Display and Storage.
      3. All storage units must be contained in a single building and accessed internally. For properties where an Urban Frontage is applied, storage units are not permitted on the ground floor. The outdoor storage of boats, RV’s or similar vehicles is not permitted.
    2. A self-storage facility in a DX- District is subject to the following:
      1. All storage shall be contained within a fully-enclosed building.
      2. All storage units must be contained in a single building and accessed internally. Storage units are not permitted on the ground floor. The outdoor storage of boats, RV’s or similar vehicles is not permitted.
    3. A self-storage facility in an IX- District is subject to the following:
      1. The minimum size of the site is at least 2 acres.
      2. All storage shall be contained within a fully-enclosed building. However, the storage of boats, RV’s or other similar vehicles may be permitted in accordance with Article 7.5. Outdoor Display and Storage.
    4. A self-storage facility in an OP- District is subject to the following:
      1. All storage shall be contained within a fully-enclosed building.
      2. All storage units must be contained in a single building and accessed internally.
      3. For properties where an Urban Frontage is applied, storage units are not permitted on the ground floor.
      4. The outdoor storage of boats, RV’s or similar vehicles is not permitted.
      5. The self-service storage facility shall not be located on a site with frontage along a rail corridor or on a site within 1,320 feet of a rail corridor.
      6. The self-storage facility use shall not be located above the fifth floor of a building.
      7. Notwithstanding the transparency requirements for buildings within the Office Park (OP-) district, each upper story devoted to this use shall have a minimum transparency of 10% per floor and a maximum transparency of 20% per floor.
      8. Excluding stairwells, internal illumination within upper stories of buildings dedicated to this use shall be screened so that internal light sources shall not be visible. Internal light fixtures directly visible from outside the structure shall be directed internally upward or shall be shielded to prevent such visibility. Sensor lighting shall be required for all internal illumination within upper stories of the building that contain this use and those lights shall automatically shut off after at most 20 minutes of inactivity.
      9. No more than 10% of the land area, individually or collectively, of all the parcels within a contiguous area zoned Office Park (OP-) can be developed as Self-Service Storage, provided however, that one selfservice storage facility shall be permitted in each contiguous multi-parcel area within each area zoned Office Park (OP-). Subsequent rezonings of existing Office Park (OP-) zoning within the contiguous area to other zoning districts shall not render an existing self-service storage use nonconforming

Sec. 6.5.6. Vehicle Service

Sec. 6.5.6. Vehicle Service aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 11:10
  1. Vehicle Service Use Category
    Repair and service to passenger vehicles, light and medium trucks and other consumer motor vehicles such as motorcycles, boats and recreational vehicles. Vehicle service includes the following uses.
    1. Vehicle repair (minor).
    2. Vehicle repair (major).
    3. Vehicle repair (commercial vehicle).
    4. Car wash.
  2. Car Wash
    1. Defined
      Facility with mechanical or hand-operated equipment used for cleaning, washing, polishing, or waxing of motor vehicles. 
    2. Use Standards
      1. ​​​​​​​Car wash facilities located within 200 feet of a Residential District (determined by a straight line from the property line to the district boundary line) shall meet the following requirements.
        1. All washing, waxing, machine drying and related activities and operations shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed building (except for vehicular openings a maximum of 12 feet in width) with the exception of vacuuming, hand washing, hand drying and hand waxing of vehicles, the sale of items from vending machines and refuse storage and disposal.
        2. No vehicular openings providing access to the enclosed building shall face the Residential District. For purposes of this section, the building wall providing access shall be at an angle greater than 60 degrees from the Residential District line.
        3. All vacuuming and compression machines located outside of the enclosed building shall be of a design that does not exceed a noise level reading of 45 dB(A), as measured from the property line, between the hour of 6 AM to 7 AM and 55 dB(A) at all other lawful hours of operation.
        4. Operation of the establishment shall be prohibited prior to 6 AM or after 11 PM on all days of the week. The hours of operation shall be required to be posted on site at a conspicuous location and all of the establishment’s car wash equipment shall be rendered inoperable at all times other than during its hours of operation.
      2. Accessory car wash facilities shall be prohibited unless one or more of the following exist:
        1. Operation of the facility is after 6:00 AM and before 11:00 PM on all days of the week.
        2. The car wash is equipped only with fully automatic wash equipment so the driver remains in their car during the entire wash process, and all other outdoor on-site customer activities such as vacuuming is prohibited. 
  3. Vehicle Repair (Minor)
    1. ​​​​​​​Defined
      A facility where minor vehicle repair and service is conducted. Includes audio and alarm installation, custom accessories, quick lubrication facilities, minor scratch and dent repair, bed-liner installation and glass repair or replacement.
    2. Use Standards
      1. The outdoor overnight storage of vehicles may be permitted in accordance with Article 7.5. Outdoor Display and Storage. Operable vehicles may be parked on-site during business hours.
      2. There shall be no dismantling of vehicles for salvage.
      3. The storage of impounded vehicles is not permitted.
      4. No outside speaker system is permitted.
      5. In the NX- District, a maximum of 2 service bay doors no more than 24 feet in width each are permitted on 2 sides of the building.
      6. Service doors shall be closed except for entry and exit of automobiles.
  4. Vehicle Repair (Major)
    1. Defined
      A facility where general vehicle repair and service is conducted, including transmission, brake, muffler and tire shops, along with body and paint shops. Major vehicle repair does not include any use meeting the definition for minor vehicle repair or commercial vehicle repair.
    2. Use Standards
      1. The outdoor overnight storage of vehicles awaiting repair may be permitted in accordance with Article 7.5. Outdoor Display and Storage. Operable vehicles may be parked on-site during business hours.
      2. There shall be no dismantling of vehicles for salvage.
      3. The storage of impounded vehicles is not permitted.
      4. No outside speaker system is permitted.
  5. Vehicle Repair (Commercial Vehicle)
    1. Defined
      Repair, service, washing, or accessory installation for commercial vehicles, including box trucks, 18-wheelers and construction or other heavy equipment.
    2. Use Standards
      1. The outdoor overnight storage of vehicles awaiting repair may be permitted in accordance with Article 7.5. Outdoor Display and Storage. Operable vehicles may be parked on-site during business hours.
      2. There shall be no dismantling of vehicles for salvage.
      3. The storage of impounded vehicles is not permitted.
      4. No outside speaker system is permitted.

Sec. 6.5.7. Warehouse & Distribution

Sec. 6.5.7. Warehouse & Distribution aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 11:11
  1. Warehouse & Distribution Use Category
    Facilities involved in the storage or movement of goods for themselves or other firms. Goods are generally delivered to other firms or the final consumer with little on-site sales activity to customers. Warehouse and distribution includes the following uses.
    1. Bulk storage, including nonflammable liquids, cold storage plants, including frozen food lockers, household moving and general freight storage, separate warehouse used by retail store such as furniture or appliance store.
    2. Bus barn.
    3. Commercial packing for fruits and vegetables.
    4. Distribution facility, central postal facility.
    5. Freight, service facility.
    6. Parcel services.
    7. Transfer and storage business where there are no individual storage areas or where employees are the primary movers of the goods to be stored or transferred.
    8. Trailer storage, drop off lot.
    9. Truck or motor freight terminal, service facility.
    10. Trucking operation.
    11. Warehouse.

Sec. 6.5.8. Waste-Related Service

Sec. 6.5.8. Waste-Related Service aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 11:11
  1. Waste-Related Service Use Category
    Characterized by uses that receive solid or liquid wastes from others for transfer to another location and uses that collect sanitary wastes or that manufacture or produce goods or energy from the composting of organic material. Waste-related service includes the following uses.
    1. Animal waste processing.
    2. Landfill.
    3. Manufacture and production of goods from composting organic material.
    4. Outdoor storage of recyclable material.
    5. Scrap materials (indoor storage).
    6. Solid or liquid waste transfer station, waste incineration.

Sec. 6.5.9. Wholesale Trade

Sec. 6.5.9. Wholesale Trade aaron.sheppard… Tue, 05/23/2023 - 11:12
  1. Wholesale Trade Use Category
    Facilities involved in the sale, lease, or rent of products to industrial, institutional or commercial businesses only. The use emphasizes on-site sales or order-taking and often includes display areas. Businesses may or may not be open to the general public, but sales to the general public are not permitted. Products may be picked up on-site or delivered to the customer. Wholesale trade includes the following uses.
    1. Mail-order house.
    2. Sale or rental of machinery, equipment, heavy equipment, building materials, special trade tools, welding supplies, machine parts, electrical supplies, plumbing supplies, janitorial supplies, restaurant equipment and store fixtures.
    3. Wholesale sales of food, clothing, auto parts, building hardware and similar products.